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Let the Games Begin-September 19-22



COVID protocols

We are very excited to welcome back sports this year. Some of the seasons when sports take place have shifted temporarily this year due to Covid precautions. There is also Covid protocols all Student Athletes, Coaches and Spectators must adhere to at all competitions.

SACMAL Covid Protocols

Effective August 31, 2021 "Subject to change per CDC and District guidlines"

These saftey protocols should be followed by all SACMAL teams and spectators at all competitions. Failure to comply will result in removal from the competition, and possible future suspensions.

1. All students athletes are required to participate in a mask for both indoor anf outdoor competitions. The mask should be worn at all times except; while drinking, or to catch their breath while socially distancing.

2. For outdoor competitions:

  • All spectators are required to wear a mask at all times. The mask should be worn at all times.
  • All spectators should be socially distanced and when possible split by school association. * Highly recommending splitting students from families when possible as well.

3. For indoor competitions:

  • All spectators are required to wear a mask at all times.
  • Only family members will be allwoed into competitions. At this time, students will not be allowed to enter indoor competitions except isf a sibling of an athlete.
  • spectators should be socially distanced and when possible split by school association.

If a students athlete shows signs of Covid, they should be excluded from team activites and competitions.

If a student athlete is placed on quarantine or tests positive fro Covid, they should not participatw in sports untill their home school has allowed them to return and they have attended at least one full school day.

To Consider:

Prevent the spreas of COVID-19 off the field

Remind participants and families that COVId-19 often spreads off-the-field, especially in situations when groups let their guard down and eat or socialize together with thier masks off (e.g., post-game parties, locker roome, carpools).

Locker Rooms

  • Limit congregating in locker room
  • Players should arrive dressed to play as much as possible.
  • Use locker rooms only to change or use the restroom. Do not use the locker room for coaching or pregame, halftime, or postgame talks.
  • Avoid having different teams use a locker room at the same time.
  • Consider closing the showers.

When Carpooling:

  • Everyone in the vehicle should wear a face mask.
  • Open the windows.
  • Turn the fan on high and set it to outdoor air.
  • If more than one vehicle is used, have the same people ride together every time.